Mapped Out

Created by IE students, for IE students

Mapped Out is the ultimate IE event discovery application coming soon. Here are a few key features:

  • Weekly personalized event suggestions

  • Discover popular and trending events

  • Learn more about events in seconds

  • Easy accessibility just connect your Facebook and you're in

We're coming soon and opening our application up to 1,000 users. Sign up with the link below to secure your spot.

Here are some of our key features in action:

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Personalized Event Suggestions

We suggest events that best suit your individual interests and preferences each week for you. We base this on a short survey you fill out when you sign up

Popular Event Suggestions

We help you discover popular and trending events within the community that you might also want to be a part of

Learn More

You can easily learn more about events we suggest and sign up to them in a matter of seconds

Easy Access

Don't worry about downloading or having to constantly check an app. We work with Facebook messenger meaning you can use all of our features with Messenger

Take a second to secure your spot on the application using the link right below:

© 2020 Mapped Out